Building example design using Docker image#

The docker_shell script is used as a prefix to launch a command using a OpenROAD docker image.

Also, the current working directory is mapped into the Docker image using the current user’s credentials.

Build docker image#

First build the docker image:

cd OpenROAD-flow-scripts

Build an example design and run the GUI:

cd flow
util/docker_shell make
util/docker_shell make gui_final

You can also launch an interactive bash session:

util/docker_shell bash

If you need to use a different Docker image than default, override by using the docker_shell_IMAGE environment variable:

OR_IMAGE=openroad/flow-centos7-builder:v1234 util/docker_shell make

If you have built your OpenROAD Docker image using prebuilt binaries, you might want to source custom paths for your modules as follows.

OR_IMAGE=openroad_prebuilt_image YOSYS_CMD=/oss-cad-suite/bin/yosys util/docker_shell make

Using docker_shell from outside of OpenROAD-flow-scripts/flow folder#

If you have designs you are keeping in a git source repository that is not a fork of the OpenROAD-flow-scripts git repository, you can still use the docker_shell script.

Two ways to use docker_shell

  1. Simply invoke it from the ORFS location.

  2. Copy the script into your source folder. This would allow you to build and publish a Docker image to a private Docker repository and lock the ORFS version to the version of your source code. This gives you a way to deploy updates of ORFS easily, publish a new Docker image, modify the copy of docker_shell and create a pull request to possibly test your upgrade on your private build serves.