Guide to Integrate a New Platform into the OpenROAD Flow#


This document is a guide for foundry and third party IP providers to easily integrate and test a new technology in to the OpenROAD RTL to GDS flow. OpenROAD allows you to integrate any PDK (Process Design Kit) for any feature size and implement a fully open-sourced RTL-GDSII flow (synthesizable Verilog to merged GDSII). The OpenROAD flow has been validated for feature sizes down to 7nm and used to design and tapeout over 600 ASIC and SoCs to date.


To build and add a new platform for OpenROAD, key technology and library components must be provided based on the technology node. These are generally available as part of the standard design kit provided by a foundry or a third-party IP provider.

They include :

  • A standard cell library

    • GDS files of all standard cells in the library (or a way to generate them from the layout files, e.g., Magic VLSI layout tool).

  • A technology LEF file of the PDK being used that includes all relevant information regarding metal layers, vias, and spacing requirements.

    • See flow/platforms/nangate45/lef/ as an example tech LEF file.

  • A macro LEF file of the standard cell kit that includes MACRO definitions of every cell, pin designations (input/output/inout).

    • See flow/platforms/nangate45/lef/NangateOpenCellLibrary.macro.lef as an example macro LEF file.

  • A Liberty file of the standard cell library with PVT characterization, input and output characteristics, timing and power definitions for each cell.

    • See flow/platforms/nangate45/lib/NangateOpenCellLibrary_typical.lib as an example liberty file.

  • For KLayout: A mapping from LEF/DEF to GDS layers:datatypes

Adding a new platform additionally requires the following:

  • A validated installation of the OpenROAD flow scripts is available. See instructions here.

  • A general knowledge of VLSI design and RTL to GDS flows. OpenROAD implements a fully-automated RTL-GDSII but it requires familiarity with the OpenROAD flow scripts to debug problems.

Adding a New Platform to OpenROAD#


This section describes the necessary files and directories needed to build the platform. All files and directories made/edited are independent of each other unless otherwise stated.


Make the following edits to the Makefile (located in flow/Makefile) so that OpenROAD can run the flow on a design using the new platform.

At the beginning of the Makefile, there is a block of DESIGN_CONFIG variables that are commented out. These variables tell OpenROAD which design to run and on what platform. DESIGN_CONFIG specifically points to a file located in the designs directory for the respective platform. It is not required to add a DESIGN_CONFIG variable for a design in the respective platform directly into the Makefile. It is merely a convenience to add a DESIGN_CONFIG variable in the Makefile and can instead be set when invoking make. OpenROAD has multiple Verilog designs already made which can be used with any platform (see flow/designs/src for a list of usable designs). For example, a DESIGN_CONFIG variable using the gcd design on a new platform would look as follows:


The file will be generated later in the Design Directory section of this document.

Platform Directory#

Create a directory for the new technology inside flow/platforms to contain the necessary files for the OpenROAD flow.

mkdir flow/platforms/MyNewPlatform

Design Directory#

The design directory contains the configuration files for all the designs of a specific platform. Create a directory for the new platform in flow/designs to contain the relevant files and directories for all the designs for the flow in that specific platform. Each design requires its own and constraint.sdc files.


Follow the steps below to create the necessary directories and files. Note gcd is just an example and not a required name.

mkdir -p flow/designs/MyNewPlatform/gcd
touch flow/designs/MyNewPlatform/gcd/
touch flow/designs/MyNewPlatform/gcd/constraint.sdc

This creates two directories MyNewPlatform and gcd and two empty files and constraint.sdc in flow/designs/MyNewPlatform/gcd.

Platform Configuration#

This section describes the necessary files in the platform directory needed for the OpenROAD flow. Specifically the file in the platform directory has all of the configuration variables that the flow uses. Refer to the OpenROAD-flow-scripts documentation for a full list of configuration variables that can be set. Refer to the Flow variables document for details on how to use environment variables in OpenROAD-flow-scripts to configure platform and design specific parameters.

For an example of a platform file, refer to flow/platforms/sky130hd/

Design Configuration#

This section describes files in the design directory.

The file describes design-specific variables.

For Example:


Alternatively, DIE_AREA and CORE_AREA can be specified instead of CORE_UTILIZATION, CORE_ASPECT_RATIO, and CORE_MARGIN. For a complete descriptor of all variables see here.

Following is a sample file for the gcd design:
export DESIGN_NAME     = gcd
export PLATFORM        = sky130hd

export VERILOG_FILES = $(sort $(wildcard ./designs/src/$(DESIGN_NAME)/*.v))

export SDC_FILE = ./designs/$(PLATFORM)/$(DESIGN_NAME)/constraint.sdc

export CORE_MARGIN       = 2
export PLACE_DENSITY     = 0.70


The constraint.sdc file defines timing constraints for the design. The create_clock command allows you to define clocks that are either connected to nets or are virtual and can be customized. The units for create_clock need to be consistent with the liberty time units. Here’s an example of a constraint.sdc file which defines a clock clk with a period of 8.4 nanoseconds (nanoseconds being consistent with the liberty time units).

create_clock [get_ports clk] -period 8.4  #Units are in nanoseconds

Refer to the OpenSTA User Guide for the full documentation of the create_clock command.

Liberty, LEF, and GDS Files#

The liberty, LEF, and GDS files do not technically have to reside inside the platform directory of respective technology as long as the paths set in the file point to the correct files. However, it is good practice to have all relevant files in one localized directory. The .lib, .lef, and .gds reside in directories named respectively for the specific technology.

For example:

mdkir flow/platforms/MyNewPlatform/lib
mdkir flow/platforms/MyNewPlatform/lef
mdkir flow/platforms/MyNewPlatform/gds

A merged GDS file may be used instead of adding every individual .gds file from the standard cell library.

Once the liberty file, tech and macro LEF files, and either the merged standard cell GDS or individual standard cell GDS files have been generated, place them in their respective directories and set the lib, lef, and gds variables in the platform file to the correct paths.

Clock Gates#

Yosys cannot (currently) infer clock gates automatically. However, users can manually instantiate clock gates in their RTL using a generic interface. The purpose of this interface is to separate platform-specific RTL (also called “hardened” RTL) from platform-independent RTL (generic RTL).

This file is only required if you want to instantiate clock gates in your design.

To create this module, a gated clock standard cell is required. This standard cell is used to create the generic module OPENROAD_CLKGATE, as shown below.

  input  CK;
  input  E;
  output GCK;

  <clkgate_std_cell> latch (.CLK(CK), .GATE(E), .GCLK(GCK));

An example instantiation of this module in a user design is shown below.

// This is not a platform file, this is an example user design

module buffer (clk, enable, in, out);

input        clk, enable;
input  [7:0] in,
output [7:0] out

reg  [15:0] buffer_reg;
wire        gck; // Gated clock

OPENROAD_CLKGATE clkgate (.CK(clk), .E(enable), .GCK(gck));

// Buffer does not change if enable is low
always @(posedge gck) begin
  buffer_reg[15:8] <= in;
  buffer_reg[ 7:0] <= buffer_reg[15:8];

assign out = buffer_reg[ 7:0];


Yosys can automatically infer latches from RTL, however it requires a behavioral Verilog module. Example latch definitions are provided below. DLATCH_P is an active-high level-sensitive latch and DLATCH_N is an active-low level-sensitive latch.

This file is only required if you want to infer latches for your design.

module $_DLATCH_P_(input E, input D, output Q);
  <d_latch_std_cell> _TECHMAP_REPLACE_ (
    .D (D),
    .G (E),
    .Q (Q)

module $_DLATCH_N_(input E, input D, output Q);
  <d_latch_std_cell> _TECHMAP_REPLACE_ (
    .D  (D),
    .GN (E),
    .Q  (Q)

FastRoute Configuration#

FastRoute is the tool used to global-route the design. FastRoute requires a Tcl file to set which routing layers will be used for signals, adjust routing layer resources, set which routing heuristic to use when routing, etc. It’s recommended to use the default fastroute.tcl due to its simplicity and effectiveness. Following is the default FastRoute configuration file.

set_global_routing_layer_adjustment $::env(MIN_ROUTING_LAYER)-$::env(MAX_ROUTING_LAYER) 0.5
set_routing_layers -signal $::env(MIN_ROUTING_LAYER)-$::env(MAX_ROUTING_LAYER)

The first command, set_global_routing_layer_adjustment, adjusts the routing resources of the design. This effectively reduces the number of routing tracks that the global router assumes to exist. By setting it to the value of 0.5, this reduced the routing resources of all routing layers to 50% which can help with congestion and reduce the challenges for detail routing. The second command, set_routing_layers, sets the minimum and maximum routing layers for signal nets by using the -signal option.

More customization can be done to increase the efficiency of global and detail route. Refer to the FastRoute documentation

Metal Tracks Configuration#

OpenROAD requires a metal track configuration file for use in floorplanning. For each metal layer, the x and y offset as well as the x and y pitch are defined. To find the pitch and offset for both x and y, refer to the LAYER definition section for each metal in the tech LEF. Following is a generalized metal tracks configuration file with five metal tracks defined. Units are in microns.

make_tracks metal1 -x_offset 0.24 -x_pitch 0.82 -y_offset 0.24 -y_pitch 0.82
make_tracks metal2 -x_offset 0.28 -x_pitch 0.82 -y_offset 0.28 -y_pitch 0.82
make_tracks metal3 -x_offset 0.28 -x_pitch 0.82 -y_offset 0.28 -y_pitch 0.82
make_tracks metal4 -x_offset 0.28 -x_pitch 0.82 -y_offset 0.28 -y_pitch 0.82
make_tracks metal5 -x_offset 0.28 -x_pitch 0.82 -y_offset 0.28 -y_pitch 0.82

Following is the LAYER definition for metal1 in the sky130hd tech LEF.

LAYER met1

  PITCH 0.34 ;
  OFFSET 0.17 ;

  WIDTH 0.14 ;                     # Met1 1
  # SPACING 0.14 ;                 # Met1 2
  # SPACING 0.28 RANGE 3.001 100 ; # Met1 3b
     WIDTH 0 0.14
     WIDTH 3 0.28 ;
  AREA 0.083 ;                     # Met1 6
  THICKNESS 0.35 ;

  ANTENNADIFFSIDEAREARATIO PWL ( ( 0 400 ) ( 0.0125 400 ) ( 0.0225 2609 ) ( 22.5 11600 ) ) ;

  DCCURRENTDENSITY AVERAGE 2.8 ; # mA/um Iavg_max at Tj = 90oC
  ACCURRENTDENSITY RMS 6.1 ; # mA/um Irms_max at Tj = 90oC

END met1

In the example above, the x and y pitch for met1 would be 0.34 and the x and y offset would be 0.17.

PDN Configuration#

PDN is a utility that simplifies adding a power grid into the floorplan. With specifications given in the PDN configuration file, like which layer to use, stripe width and spacing, the utility can generate the metal straps used for the power grid. To create and configure a power grid, refer to the PDN documentation.

Tapcell Configuration#

The tapcell configuration file is used to insert tapcells and endcaps into the design. Refer to the Tapcell documentation on how to construct this file.

setRC Configuration#

setRC allows the user to define resistances and capacitances for layers and vias using the set_layer_rc command. There is also a command that allows you to set the resistance and capacitance of routing wires using the set_wire_rc. The units set_wire_rc is expecting are per-unit-length values. Often, per-unit-length values are available in the PDK user guide. For set_layer_rc, Liberty units need to be used. Following is a generic example of a setRC configuration file which sets the resistance and capacitance of five metal layers, four vias, one signal wire, and one clock wire.

set_layer_rc -layer M1 -capacitance 1.449e-04 -resistance 8.929e-04
set_layer_rc -layer M2 -capacitance 1.331e-04 -resistance 8.929e-04
set_layer_rc -layer M3 -capacitance 1.464e-04 -resistance 1.567e-04
set_layer_rc -layer M4 -capacitance 1.297e-04 -resistance 1.567e-04
set_layer_rc -layer M5 -capacitance 1.501e-04 -resistance 1.781e-05

set_layer_rc -via V1 -resistance 9.249146E-3
set_layer_rc -via V2 -resistance 4.5E-3
set_layer_rc -via V3 -resistance 3.368786E-3
set_layer_rc -via V4 -resistance 0.376635E-3

set_wire_rc -signal -layer M2
set_wire_rc -clock -layer M5


KLayout is used in the OpenROAD flow to provide GDS merging, DRC, and LVS. Two files are required for KLayout and they are generated within the KLayout GUI. Install KLayout on the host machine since it is not included in the OpenROAD build process. Then create the properties and tech files as explained below.

KLayout tech file#

Follow these steps to generate the KLayout tech file:

  1. Open KLayout in a terminal.

  2. Go to Tools -> Manage Technologies.

  3. Click the + in the bottom left corner to create a new technology.

  4. Set the name for the technology in the box that pops up. You should now see the technology name in the list on the left hand side.

  5. Expand the technology by hitting the arrow and click on General.

  6. Set the base path your platform directory and load the .lyp layer properties file that was generated earlier.

  7. On the left hand side under your new technology click Reader Options and then click LEF/DEF on the top bar.

  8. In the LEF+Macro Files section, you add the LEF files by clicking the + button on the right hand side of the box.

    1. Note: Only add your original merged LEF file. Make sure it includes the full path to the LEF file.

  9. In the Production section, scroll down and add the layer map file by hitting the Load File button.

    1. Note: Make sure it includes the full path.

  10. Above in the same section, change the layer name suffix and GDS data type to correspond with the layer map.

  11. Generate the .lyt file by right clicking on the new technology name and click on Export Technology.

  12. Save with the extension .lyt.

KLayout properties file#

The properties file is not required to obtain a GDS and is merely used for styling purposes inside. Follow these steps to generate the KLayout properties file:

  1. Open KLayout.

  2. Install the tf_import package.

    1. Inside KLayout, go to Tools.

    2. Manage Packages.

    3. Install New Packages.

    4. Select tf_import.

      1. If the source of the package is from GitHub, then the file “” needs to be edited to include “source stdio”.

  3. Re-start KLayout.

  4. File -> Import some LEF. Does not matter what LEF; you will just get an error message without one…

  5. Once selected, go to Options at the bottom left.

  6. Select your layer map file under the Production tab.

  7. Go to the LEF+Macro Files tab, then add under Additional LEF files, the merged (original) LEF file in your platform directory.

  8. Under Macro Layout Files, add the GDS file in your platform directory.

  9. File -> Import Cadence tech file.

    1. You have to select a tech file (found in the PDK, usually inside the Virtuoso folder).

    2. KLayout also needs a .drf file which is automatically included if it resides in the same directory the cadence tech file was found in (found in the PDK’s Virtuoso folder)…

  10. File -> Save Layer Properties.

  11. Save as a .lyp file in your platform directory.

Validating the New Platform#

To validate the new platform, simply run a design through the flow using the new platform. The Makefile should already include the DESIGN_CONFIG variables for the new platform which were generated in the Setup section of the document. Simply uncomment a DESIGN_CONFIG variable for the new platform in the Makefile, save, and then run make in the terminal to run the design through the flow. Try a small design first (i.e. gcd) so that run time is small and you can identify and fix errors faster.


  • James Stine - Oklahoma State University

  • Teo Ene - Oklahoma State University

  • Ricardo Hernandez - Oklahoma State University

  • Ryan Ridley - Oklahoma State University

  • Indira Iyer - OpenROAD Project Consultant