Adding New Designs to the ORFS#

This section explains how to add verilog designs to ORFS repository for a full RTL-GDS flow execution.

The following design example is based on the design spm that implements a Single-port memory using gf180 platform. This procedure applies to any design for a given platform you choose.

Note: The commands refer to the base directory as OpenROAD-flow-scripts/flow as the starting point for the flow.

Step 1: Create the Verilog source files directory based on the top module name.

cd designs/src
mkdir spm
cd spm
vi spm.v

Copy this verilog code into spm.v.

Step 2: Create to define design configuration.

cd designs/gf180
mkdir spm
cd spm

Step 3: Define key design parameters in

export PLATFORM         = gf180

export DESIGN_NAME      = spm

export VERILOG_FILES    = $(sort $(wildcard ./designs/src/$(DESIGN_NICKNAME)/*.v))
export SDC_FILE         = ./designs/$(PLATFORM)/$(DESIGN_NICKNAME)/constraint.sdc

export PLACE_DENSITY    = 0.60

export TNS_END_PERCENT  = 100

To customize or add new variables to the refer to the other built-in design examples or the flow variables list here.

Step 4: Define SDC constraints.

cd designs/gf180/spm
vi constraint.sdc

Edit as required to define design constraints.

current_design spm

set clk_name  core_clock
set clk_port_name clk
set clk_period 10
set clk_io_pct 0.2

set clk_port [get_ports $clk_port_name]

create_clock -name $clk_name -period $clk_period  $clk_port

set non_clock_inputs [lsearch -inline -all -not -exact [all_inputs] $clk_port]

set_input_delay  [expr $clk_period * $clk_io_pct] -clock $clk_name $non_clock_inputs
set_output_delay [expr $clk_period * $clk_io_pct] -clock $clk_name [all_outputs]

Update only current_design, clk_port_name and clk_period as per design requirements. Do not modify the remaining values for the default template.

Step 5: Add the design name to Makefile to run the flow with the make command.

vi Makefile

Comment (#) any DESIGN_CONFIG if already enabled.

Add the following lines to Makefile and save the changes.


Run make command to run the flow from RTL to GDSII generation.


If you do not want to change Makefile, you can simply run,

make DESIGN_CONFIG=./designs/gf180/spm/